Sunday, March 16, 2008

Solar Power is a Wonderful Thing

This is the end of the driveway on the side that gets a lot of sun.

This is the end of the driveway on the side that does not.

In a particularly sunny angle between the sunroom and the living room, the daffodils are up about three inches.

Out by the front sidewalk, where the snow has barely receded, a few tulips are just starting to peep through.

I've been playing hooky from knitting and anything else I can get out of, wandering around the yard, cutting back a few perennials here, pulling a few weeds there, stomping in an occasional puddle, mostly basking in the sunshine. All that snow cover did have a benefit. The ground never froze hard so the moisture is soaking in. The earth is nice and soft, and should warm quickly. Crocus in bloom by Easter? I won't count on it, (but I'm crossing my fingers).


  1. I just noticed my first daffodils poking through today! Now I'm sure of it -- Spring IS on the way! (Well, it better be, anyway. Otherwise, my "flowers of hope" are going to die...)

  2. We are expected 2-8" of snow in the next couple days ::sob::

  3. what I miss most now that we live in an apt is walking around my yard seeing what is springing up.

  4. There's still snow on the daylily border on the south side of the walk but it's all receeded on the north side - sounds contradictory until I remember the sun shines onto the north side from the south. So I hope to spend some of next week raking leaves etc and uncovering some daylily shoots.

    But the studded snow tires are staying on until mid-april ;-p

  5. Daffodils and tulips!!!! It IS going to be spring! At least I hope so or they'll freeze their bulbs off! My tulips still have a foot 2 foot high snowbank on them so my flower photos will have to wait!


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