Monday, March 17, 2008

Another trip to the closet

in search of UFO's: I came up with the beginnings of a scarf.

I think that I had set it aside because the garter border on the long sides isn't wide enough to control the curl. I'm going to go ahead and finish it, though, and see about adding a wider border (lace?) along the sides. Maybe the ends, too?

Wonder of wonders, I had left myself a scrawled note, "Lt Leaf Stripe (Waller) CP bamboo 3." Since this clearly means Barbara Walker's Little Leaf Stripe pattern worked with Crystal Palace #3 bamboo needles, I'm all set to go.

I'm still working on the plain jane ribbed socks. The first leg is done, and I've got about 2 1/2 inches on the second. But I'm sort of saving work on these for Thursday nights when I knit and chat and need a relatively mindless project.


  1. Just popping in to say hi! I've been doing a lot of UFO sifting, myself.

  2. So, just how big is the closet you mention?


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