Monday, February 18, 2008

Twice is Nice (Edited)

I liked the latest headband enough that I did it up in a different color. This one is in Lion Brand "Lion Wool". I'm calling it "Gemini". Because it has two buttons? Because you can wear it two ways? Because that's my sign? Who knows?

Edited Bit: A big thank you to all who tested the link to the pattern download. I know people have downloaded within Ravelry, but either the external linking feature needs some work, or I misunderstood (very likely the latter). I'll go work on getting the pdf parked elsewhere. So the free download will be available from the sidebar soon.


  1. Gemini looks great. I tested your link (using Firefox) and this is what popped up edited to show "most" of the code:

    Code>AccessDenied Code>
    Message>Request has expired /Message>
    ServerTime>2008-02-18T21:59:26Z ServerTime>
    RequestId>5E7AAA4A67EBFC84 RequestId>


  2. How very cute!

    (I tried the Gemini link in your side bar, and I got an error message...)

  3. Well, this won't let me post the error message I get in IE - gives me this message "Your HTML cannot be accepted: PHP, ASP, and other server-side scripting is not allowed.

    sigh Looks like Casey (and Bob) have some work to do.

  4. Thank you all for trying! Actually, I may be the one with work to do. Sometimes I think I know what I'm doing....

  5. The Gemini is great - I'm not so good at technology so I'll wait till the gremlins are fixed! One day I will understand computers properly.....


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