Sunday, February 17, 2008

This May Explain It

The kitchen experimentation, that is.

You Are a Marble Cake

Eclectic, inventive, and peaceful.
You are never willing to accept what's "normal." You live to push the envelope.
You find it hard to make up your mind. You prefer to have everything you want, right away!

Inventive? Check! Push the envelope? Check! Want it right now? Um, well if that means not wanting to pull out my non-exisitant mixer with dough hook, yup, that's me. Thanks to Leslie for the link. And thanks to everyone who left tips for alternate approaches to foccacia. I'm going to give some of them a whirl.

Dearest daughter was home Friday night through yeasterday afternoon, always a treat. I talked her into modeling the lastest iteration of the checkerboard socks for me.


  1. Your socks look great! Nice to spend some time with your daughter! Glad she isn't driving back home on a day like today! Just when I thought the winter weather couldn't be topped, mother nature does her thing and proves me wrong.....

  2. cute enough to make me think of making something other than boot socks again. I do love "different" socks. :)

    And it's nice to know someone else who doesn't have the coveted kitchen-aide mixer with dough hook. Although someday...


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