Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Little Socks for Afghanistan, Anyone?

I just received an urgent appeal from afghans for Afghans. The are falling short of their goal of 80 cartons of wool items for children ages 7 - 14, and the October 12 deadline is approaching fast. They have a lot of hats (though they wouldn't turn those down). They particularly requested mittens and socks, would love vests/sweaters, too. All the details are at their website.

I've had the Magic 28 Sock (courtesy of Now Norma Knits) on my to do list for awhile. I'm going to cast on now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I've blocked my A4A vest and just need to weave in the jillion ends. I'll hold the hats for Dulaan and send the socks along with the vest.


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