Wednesday, October 03, 2007

afghans for Afghans SIP

"Sock in Progress", that is.

The stripes kind of jazz it up, plus they make counting rows so much easier, so it's worth the slight extra fiddling.

I realized that the Magic 28 socks would be too small, so this is my Magic 32 version. Same recipe, just substitute 32, 16 and 8 for 28, 14 and 7 wherever those numbers appear. To start the heel turn: sl1, k10, etc. (instead of sl1, k9...). It will take 2 extra rows to finish the turn. Pick up 8 or 9 along the sides of the heel (instead of 7 or 8), decrease back to total of 32 (instead of 28). Clear as mud?

These look likely to fit someone on the lower end of the 7 - 14 year old range. If time permits, when I finish these I just may try a Magic 36.


  1. My email is totally messed up, so I can't access it at all right now and incoming are bouncing.

    Just wanted to let you know that I've finally finished my Simple Lace Scarf, and posted pictures and the pattern to Ravelry. I'll put it on my blog in the next day or two.

  2. Oh I'll be excited to see it! I'll be watching the blog (it will be a while before I'm in at Ravelry)


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