Friday, August 24, 2007

Still pondering

Where has the week gone? Let's see, during a break in the rain on Tuesday, the new gutters went up, thank goodness. They seem to be significantly reducing the amount of water entering the basement. During breaks since then I have been outside pulling some of the rampant weeds, and examining the grading around the foundation and trying to do some filling in where needed (which involves whacking back overgrown bushes).

I made a run down to Argyle to put up posters for the Library Book Sale. So I dropped in at the fiber mill and picked up some yarn for the Red Scarf Project. I suddenly realized that it is almost September and I had better stop thinking about it and start knitting. This is Cascade Quattro, which is just like 220, but with a color twist. The photo looks violently pink, but it really has more of a rust tone in it.

I've finished the leg part of the first Opal sock and started in on the second.

I'm still pondering heel options. I'm leaning towards an Afterthought heel, because of the way the stripes would make a sort of bull's eye. I could just even off the bottom edge with a couple more triangles and than proceed. But I wondered, "would it be possible to insert the heel into the chevron pattern and have it fit?". So I did a little mock up in sport weight left overs. The heel bulges out too much, but if I worked it on fewer stitches?


  1. I'm so jealous, you can work out a sock pattern and I'm still too scared to turn a heel :)

  2. Good luck with your sock construction! You remind me a little bit of Cat Bordhi's new book....

  3. Oh magnusmog: don't be scared. Just turn that first heel following the directions very carefully. When it's done it feels like magic!

    yarnthrower: I haven't seen Cat's book, but a review of it at Knitter's Review gave me the idea that this odd construction might turn out to be workable. I'm already pretty sure that I will shape the toe based on EZ's chevron mittens in "Knitters Almanac"


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