Monday, August 20, 2007

backyard woodhenge and opal socks

I wandered downstairs for a cup of coffee one morning last week, and glancing out the window I spotted Backyard Megaliths (well, not "liths", because they aren't stone, but that was the general impression.) Turns out they were really modular bookcases that Mr S had made for his classroom and set out in the yard while waiting for the stain to dry. Good thing it was last week, because nothing is dry this week, including our basement.

When I was Up North, Gayle gave me a present, a ball of Opal sock yarn. Opal is always nice, but this one is especially nifty. The colorway is based on a painting by an artist named Fredensreich Hundertwasser. It's called "Rainy Day on Dear Waves", which is rather charming. I like it so much that I've ordered another titled "The Road to Socialism". I've always wanted some Road to Socialism socks, I just didn't know it til now. Plus I really like the colors.

I wanted to do something interesting and a little unusual, so the socks will have just one big chevron on the front and one on the back. Haven't decided yet how I wil deal with the heel. I'm mulling over some ideas.........


  1. The Road to Socialism colorway is great and I want some. But I'll have to google for a pattern for knitting a sock vertically because I love the stripes that way.

  2. Opal is certainly creative in their yarn names!

  3. Road To Socialism is the best yarn name I've ever heard :)

  4. Too too cool. I loved your comment on my blog!

  5. Oh dear, teachers have to make their own bookcases now? Things are getting bad aren't they. I'd heard that a lot of teachers spend their own money for supplies for the classroom.

    I will certainly have to make a pair of those "Road to Socialism" socks for DH seeing as how he graduated from Berkeley :)


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