Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm back

I know, you probably didn't even notice I was gone; but yesterday was computer transition day, which meant I was without access for about 12 hours. OMG, it felt like a year. (Am I looking at a dependency issue here?)

Anyway, the good news is that the new computer is about eleven billion times faster than the old one, and I have a slick little flat screen monitor, and I can plug my camera card right into the computer, and did I say that the Internet is really fast? and the monitor screen no longer has an overall pinkish tone.... Other good news, the Geek Squad transferred all the files (and I seem to be able to find them), and our extensive "favorites list. The email is working.

The not really bad, but ambivalent news: Best Buy does not stock any computers with XP as the operating system, and a special order would have taken weeks, so we caved in and went with Vista. So far, Sweater Wizard and Stitch and Motif maker have loaded without a hitch. The little Sole Solution sock program gives me an error message, but maybe I can figure out how to get it up and running (I don't use it much, anyway). I haven't yet tried reinstalling the Knitware Design program that is my current favorite.

Mainly the whole file organization feels totally weird, but I expect I just have a learning curve thing ahead of me.


This a not very good picture of the current hat. The exciting to me thing about it is that I loaded it directly from the camera card to the computer, and then was able to find it!

That's probably all until next week. Today I go back to installing programs, learning, playing with the new computer. Tomorrow is work at the library and shopping for the trip up north, Friday I take off for the mini-reunion (lake, deck, boat, good company - I'm jazzed!)


  1. That's a beautiful hat! What kind of yarn did you use? Oh, I hate having to learn a new operating system!

  2. The hat yarn is lovely, it looks really rich. Have fun at the reunion.

  3. I find that the learning curve can be embarrassingly long. After nearly 10 months with my Mac, I'm still not sure I understand its file organization thing.

  4. I love the hat.

    I'm glad the computer transfer went smoothly. It can be such a nightmare.

  5. Don't you just hate learning curves? When I get something new, I want to know it ALL, RIGHT NOW!
    Conversely, don't you love lake weekends? We're heading up tomorrow night ourselves...

  6. Congrats on the computer-birth :) Please keep us apprised of what software glitches you find with Vista? And, above all, have a great time at your mini-reunion. Keeping old friends is a really nice thing to do for yourself.


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