Thursday, August 02, 2007

I just can't get the images from Minneapolis out of my mind. I grew up near the Twin Cities, lived in Minneapolis after college. The old arched bridge next to the collapse is a familiar landmark. When I see it, something in my heart still says "home". Two of the college friends I will be seeing this weekend live in the Cities - they are OK. My Mom is visiting nearby, she is OK, as are my cousins. Kmkat is OK. But a lot of people aren't OK. Mostly I think what an agonizing time this must be for people who haven't made contact with their loved ones, waiting for the divers to confirm the worst. My heart is heavy for them.


  1. My heart, too. I knew one of the victims. Can't stop thinking about the families and the agony they are feeling.

  2. It is all sad and hard.

  3. What an awful thing to happen - sympathy to everyone, from across the pond.


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