Sunday, July 22, 2007

Under the Stars

Every summer, we treat ourselves to a night at the American Players Theater in Spring Green, and last Thursday was our night.

It's a lovely drive up on back roads, especially the stretch from Dodgeville to Spring Green, over the Wisconsin River, past the entrance to the goofy House on the Rock, and the not as goofy Frank Lloyd Wright visitor center and on to the theater grounds. Dear Daughter and my Mom met us there (they were coming the other direction from Madison), and we all hiked up the hill past the last of the picnicers gathering up their belongings, through the woods and past the prairie meadow and, just in time, into the theater proper.

It was a lovely night, clear and cool and no mosquitoes. The play was Much Ado About Nothing,
and it was a delight.

Mom brought me a little tin of Blue Sky Alpacas "Knitters Little Helper" hand balm. This is nice stuff, has the consistency of really thick whipped cream, a nice herbal scent, and it's very soothing to the cuticles. Mom was at dinner at a friend's apartment and got to talking with another guest and it turned out that the guest's daughter had started with one alpaca and went on to develop a company.... Had I heard of them? Well, yes, I had. The word from Mom is that the Blue Sky organic cotton is very soft and lovely to the touch (she had a chance to feel it for herself). I'm wondering if I should order some. And I'm wondering even more if I should have Mom guest blogging, because for someone who hasn't knit in years she seems to be making connection.

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