Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I really don't know why

all the entries I think about posting don't just magically appear. Which is to say, I apologize for new content being rather sparse lately. It has been a combination of pushing hard to meet a design deadline, and lately some computer problems.

But I have finally finished the design work, and the last item is almost dry. It will all go in the mail tomorrow. I probably shouldn't show much here, but a couple of "sneak peeks" of details are below.

The computer is mostly having an overheating problem, I think, but in the larger scheme of things it indicates that it's finally time to bite the bullet and go for a new one. It isn't the expense that bothers me so much as the prospect of transferring files, bookmarks, email.... not to mention deciding what operating system to go with. It doesn't help that I'm a near complete computer idiot. So I'm hoping the Geek Squad will come to the rescue.


One of the entries I thought about posting was "You Don't Need a Pattern to Turn a Sock Heel". But Clara at "Knitters Review" has beaten me to the punch, and has done such a fine job of explaining the procedure that I will just refer you to her article, which is actually a complete sock tutorial and a nice one, too.


  1. I really like the look of that cardi-detail and will be looking forward to seeing the full version later.

  2. Love those lace details. Very enticing!

    I know what you mean about moving computers. My latest move was pretty easy, but I still felt discombobulated for a while. The one before that, though, was a pain in the neck because the network interface on the old computer had fried in a lightening storm. It meant a very slow process for transferring files.

  3. Cindy,
    First, thanks for the link to the heel turning tutorial. I printed the whole thing out, so I'll have it when I actually start my very first sock.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the entire projects these two peeks came from, and am waiting patiently for a publishing date.

  4. The design stitches look so nice - I'm itching to touch!

    You could always just ask them to clone your drive onto the new machine but then you end up with junk you don't need/want anymore. It takes longer but you don't have to reinstall programs, etc...

  5. I like those sneak peeks!
    We need a new computer too, and I don't know about transferring everything over---especially all the photos I've been saving. We thought we could save them easily onto CDs, but the process isn't as quick/easy as we thought it would be. So keep us posted!


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