"Eat Cheese or Die!" Sometimes it's about knitting, sometimes it's not.
I don't care if it's in Estonian.
A chart is a chart, right? Now I just have to track down a copy. Found a source, but no online ordering, so now I have to wait until morning to call. Fingers crossed that the last copy is not gone. Serious book lust here......
Posted by
Cindy G
7:26 PM
It sounds like you would learn how to speak Estonian if you had to just to get the book... It may come to that if you have to actually order it from Estonia... Looks like a fun book!
Happy New Year!
oooh, looks interesting. Have a wonderful New Year.
Hi! I'm an Estonian who just happened to find your blog and was surprised to see a photo of Estonian mittens there! They are real fun to knit, have done it myself many times. If Estonian is too hard to learn :) you can try getting this book http://www.needleartsbookshop.com/knitting_books/Folk_Knitting_in_Estonia.html
Unfortunately I couldn't help you by sending a book from Estonia because I'm not there recently.
Happy knitting! Will come back to this blog to see the Estonian mittens you have knitted.
Hi Mailis,
Thank you for commenting! I do have a copy of Nancy Bush's wonderful "Folk Knitting in Estonia". I love it because besides the patterns it has such nice historical and cultural background. So I will probably use one of the patterns for my first pair of Estonian mittens. I will be sure to put up some pictures as I go.
great blog....I'll be back.
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