To a number of people who found my blog thru a search engine,
I apologize, I really, really do. Because what you're looking for? It isn't here.
I have no "Latvian sauerkraut recipe" (although I sort of wish I did, and if you find a good one, come back and let me know). Heck, I don't even have any Latvian mittens, because the pair I started so long ago never got any bigger than three inches of cuff. Not that I've given up, I haven't frogged (yet).
Whoever was looking for a "keep Christ in Christmas" label (sic) pin" may have been more irritated than disappointed. Oh well.
I hope that the person searching for a "Jack Frost Knitting Book" found it. I like vintage patterns, too. I do have one from that series.
It appears that in 1946 there was a demand for two needle mittens patterns, and also for children's sweaters knit in fingering at 7 - 7 1/2 sts per inch.
I was just amused by the "weird colors like periwinkle" search term. Who was looking for that, and why? And why did they consider periwinkle to be a weird color? I like it.
On the other hand, there are more people than I would have expected looking for patterns for soap sacks. And that I do have, though whether it was satisfactory or not I have no way of knowing.
On a completely different note, I finally got a picture that comes close to the "Sugarplum" colorway. Did someone say something about "natural light"?

I had somebody find my blog by searching for " dressed skeletons ".
Now that is just a bit creepy.....
Love the Jack Frosts, I just took possession of a lovely 1940's Fair Isle booklet. I'm not a good enough knitter to make much of the patterns but I am good enough at Photoshop to repair the images :)
You can probably check the outclicks in your stats to see if many clicked on the soap sacks.
The sugarplum looks good enough to eat!
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