Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Knittin' Mittens

I've been on kind of a mitten kick lately.

It started as a project to use up some of the (many) odds and ends of non-sock yarn in my stash (the sock yarn stash is another story). And they are a fun, small, way to try out lots of different color patterns.

I have two pairs currently on the needles.

The one on the left was inspired by Lizbeth Upitis Latvian Mittens, though mine are rather stripped down in comparison with the glories in that book - only two very simple color patterns (taken from Joyce Williams' Latvian Dreams), no braid or fancy edging.

The one on the right was more inspired by Charlene Schurch's Mostly Mittens and incorporates a couple of the smaller Komi pattern charts there. I'm using a peasant/afterthough/forethought thumb, though, instead of the gusseted thumb she favors. It was just easier to knit straight up, choosing narrow bands of pattern as I went, than to sit down and chart out an increase section in advance.


  1. Huh. When most people get on a mitten kick, the result is a pile of plainish mittens -- a few stripes, maybe, but nothing fancy. You Are Teh Awesome!

  2. Well, part of the urge was to do some stranded color work, and mittens are much quicker than entire garments ;-)


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