Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Well I've been playing with the Misti

I decided that I could use a scarf more than another shawl. I swatched a few patterns that didn't really please me. I love the colors of this yarn, but they do fight with a lot of stitch patterns. They remind me (in a good way) of tree bark and lichens. So I finally settled on this (you can click the picture to make it big).

To me, the pattern definition shows up a little better in the picture than in real life. I should note that this is not a cable pattern. It's formed with yarn overs and decreases. On slightly larger needles, in a solid color and blocked hard it might look sort of lacy. As is, I'm going with subtle texture.

This is the chart I came up with. I repeated Rows 1-10 three times, then 11-20 three times, then 1-10 3x, then 11-20 3x, and so on.

(can also click to make bigger)

I'm actually working on 67 stitches, repeating the sections between the vertical red lines. Also, it's a bit fiddly to reposition markers between Rows 10 & 11, but worth it.

1 comment:

  1. very pretty! I love the texture, but that it can also be blocked out to be lacy.


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