Saturday, February 19, 2011

And Speaking of the Department of Health Services

Seems like they just gave Deloitte Consulting a new eight year contract with a jump in the hourly rate from $92 to $104. Bottom line: $30 million a year (in taxpayer dollars) for work outsourced to India. Really good for Wisconsin jobs-not. If they can do this kind of thing even before "The Bill" passes, imagine what they could do with it.

Full story at The Wisconsin State Journal. Hat tip to Uppity Wisconsin.

1 comment:

  1. I just got 1 CPE credit for taking an online course on Social Media and Xxxxxx. (Name redacted b/c it is the name of my employer.) If I hadn't just taken the course I might have some comments here. But I did so I don't. Might email you, though...


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