Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Vest is as Done as it is Going to Be

I finished off the neckline with applied I-Cord. This was another "new to me" technique, and it came out a bit lumpy. But so be it. The wool softened up with a good wash in fairly warm water (lots of spinning oil came out). It's still Shetland, not Merino, and I wouldn't want to wear it next to my skin. But over a turtleneck it will do just fine and be both lightweight and warm.

My new Estonian mitten books arrived, and I'm off to pore over them. Lots of eye candy. More on those later.


  1. Your vest turned out really cute! At this distance, I'm unable to notice any lumps in the applied I-cord...

  2. Looks really good from here, too !


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