Friday, January 07, 2011

That Buttonhole Band was Really Bugging Me,

almost as much because I couldn't figure out why my placement calculations were off as because of the looks of it. Then the light bulb went on. In the two row buttonholes I've used in the past, you knit and bind off stitches of the row you are on when you start the button hole. But for the one row version, you slip and bind off - in other words, you are actually binding off stitches of the row below the working row. D'oh! So I am unknitting one more time.

Meanwhile, I did a sort of cheat fix on something else that was bothering me.

I was not happy with the way I started the motif on the back. The travelling stitches did not come together in a nice point. Now, I was not going to rip out the whole upper back and re-knit that. But it occurred to me that the travelling stitches bear a strong resemblance to an embroidered chain stitch. So that's what I tried.

I think it's an improvement.


  1. Looks good. Glad you figured out the button holes.

  2. This explains why I can't be a knitter and my sewing is wonky! Not so fond of do-overs. More power to the knitters of the world !

  3. I think I know the answer, though sometimes I actually do ask myself, "Why do I knit?" Fortunately, the satisfaction outweighs the the end, anyway... I suppose that makes knitting a lot like raising children...

  4. nice fix - it looks great.

  5. So, are you saying you embroidered over the bottom of the motif? It looks quite nice -- good fix!


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