Sunday, December 05, 2010

Winter is Here

The first snowfall of the year was a big one.

We had set out early in the morning to pick up my Mom for a trip to Illinois to see my niece dance in her ballet school's production of The Nutcracker. Very snowy roads with more still falling, and alas by the time we got to the city we realized it was unlikely we could make the performance in time, as the storm would be barely ahead of us all the way. With reluctance, we cancelled. We made the best of a disappointing situation by going to breakfast at The Original Pancake House on University Ave.

Back home again, I amused myself with paper and scissors.

This little bird comes from the Christmas page at, a fun and free website for children of any age.


  1. We're having an early, snowy winter too! Sorry you missed the program.
    I love The Toy Maker. Such cute projects.

  2. I hope that pancakes helped to reduce the disappointment!

  3. that bird is beautiful, i love how real, and 3D it looks! so very pretty! :)


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