Saturday, December 11, 2010

Here It Comes

There have been reports of a big storm headed our way. When I got up this morning it was clear (by the ice that needed to be chipped from the car windows) that we had freezing rain in the wee hours. By the time I left work at noon the temperature was above freezing and the snow was rapidly melting. That held for a couple of hours, but just now I looked out the window to see this.

Big, fat, thick, wet flakes of snow. I'm lucky. If need be I can stay in for the rest of the weekend. Should be a good time to get some more work done on the niece's mittens.

1 comment:

  1. The mittens look really fun! Yes, nice weekend to stay in...except DH and I have a date we're going to brave it :-) Chicken soup on the stove right now smells pretty good, though...


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