Sunday, November 07, 2010

Totally Missing

I know that I have (or had) at least two sets of 6" size 2 double pointed needles. I cannot find them anywhere. Anywhere! So I have given in and ordered replacements. I am sure that the originals will turn up the day that the package arrives.

A while back, I spent some time swatching and charting and re-swatching and came up with a cable combination I liked. At the time, I thought it would be cute on the bodice of a little girl's dress. But the swatch sat and sat and I did nothing with it beyond that.

I finally realized I really wasn't interested in knitting enough stockinette for the skirt, just to get to the fun part at the top.

So I'm putting the cable chart here, just in case anyone wants to use it for anything else. Of course, it's too teeny to really read on this page, but if you right click and open in a new tab it will be somewhat larger. If you then right click on the larger chart and choose "copy", open a new document in Word and hit "paste" you can save it. (At least, all of that has worked for me in Preview).

Note: The swatch only has two vertical repeats instead of three, and I ended with garter instead of the ribbing shown on the chart.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to figure out what a 40 st panel would work on -- twice around on a hat, perhaps. Up the center back panel of a plain-ish Faroese shawl. Along one side of a sock. None of these is perfect, though.


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