Monday, September 27, 2010

A Good Weekend

Some friends from California rolled in late Friday afternoon. We haven't seen them in years, so there was a lot of catching up to do over dinner.

After dinner, we all headed to the park for the Homecoming pep rally and fireworks show (another good one). On Saturday we went to the parade (well, Mr S. was actually in the parade, marching with his 5th graders - but they were toward the front, so he joined us on the sidelines once they had rounded the final corner). The rest of the day turned cold, gray and wet, to we headed to Monroe for dinner at a good Mexican restaurant there.

The weather on Sunday was glorious, cool but bright - a perfect day. So we set out towards Gays Mills in search of Honey Crisp apples.

We found the apples (and fritters and pie and doughnuts) as well as plenty of


Then we headed West toward the river. Since Mike is an outdoorsman, we made a stop at

Then on to Pike's Peak State Park in Iowa

where we could look down on the confluence of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers.

Even for a gal who doesn't like heights, it was a wonderful place to be.


  1. This is my perfect idea of what America looks like!

  2. What a lovely time! Also, the confluence of the two rivers is really something to see! Is there something like that near Wyalusing State Park (is that near Platteville?) I vaguely remember going there a year or two ago and seeing scenery that looked vary familiar to the photo you posted... Also, your husband teaches 5th grade? My son is in fifth grade, but his teacher is a little on the mean side. I'm hoping, however, that he will rise to the challenge and not let it lower his spirits...

  3. Lovely pictures. We missed you at Last Sat. Knitting. Hope to see you Friday for Knit Night?

  4. Cindy, I didn't know your husband taught 5th grade! So do I. Love that grade ~ kids are a blast.

    What a wonderful trip ~ and such beautiful scenery. And I so envy your weather. SoCal is getting roasted this week, it seems. We got a little (3-week) taste of fall, and then got slammed back into high summer. Oh, well. Time heals all. It will be cool(ish) one day.


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