Friday, August 27, 2010

This One's For Molly Bee

Just to show that Maine isn't the only state with bears.

My cute Mom being attacked by a bear in Osseo, WI.

On the first leg of our whirlwind Minnesota tour we stopped at the Norske Nook for lunch. Two of the gals split a Lefse Wrap, one had an omelet, and I opted for classic roast beef and gravy sandwich with mashed potatoes on the side. We were all too full for pie. Since pie is the Nook's claim to fame, I guess we will just have to go back another time.

Nice Dale of Norway sweaters in the gift shop, but I didn't come away with one of those, either.
If you look closely, you will see that the box in the lower right hand corner contains Ole and Lena fortune cookies. In case you ever need any, you now know where to find them. Uff Da!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Hee Hee! That's BEARY funny! Don't FURget LSK tomorrow!

  3. Love the Nook! Been there many times, as DH has a father who lives near there. Gotta get the pie, though... Did you stop into the quilting shop that is a block away? (Woman who owns it is named "Betty Cotton," for real!)


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