Monday, July 26, 2010

Hunka, Hunka

The name of that little twisted stitch motif I was practicing is "Burning Love", so how could I resist it? (I'm not a big Elvis fan, but Mr S. most definitely is.) Besides, it's fairly simple as these things go, and I think it's very pretty. So I've started a hat.

I re-charted it in symbols I'm more familiar with, which really helped. It's still slow going, but I'm starting to get the swing of it.


  1. AnonymousJuly 26, 2010

    Very, very nice!

  2. Love it, and the plum colorway! I might have to put the book on my birthday wish list. : )

  3. That is a really pretty stitch and is working up into a gorgeous hat! I can't wait to see the finished piece!


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