Sunday, June 20, 2010

Teeny Tiny

Molly Bee says hers took an hour. Mine took more like an hour and a half, but I was conversing and drinking coffee at the same time.

Decreasing to four stitches at the toe was a bit fiddly - the six inch double points felt like those long poles tightrope walkers use to keep their balance.

It's too cute to seriously use to hold keys. I'd be afraid that it would get snagged or messed up in the chaos that is the interior of my purse. I'll have to go see if I can figure out a way to attach it to the outside, like a charm.


  1. Awesome heels and toes there on that little tiny sock! I don't know how you and MollyBee can do that!

  2. Too cute! I hooked mine to my knitting bag!


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