Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Slightly Slanted

As I was rummaging around through oldish papers, I came across some (very sketchy) notes for a hat pattern. I vaguely recall actually knitting this, and liking the pattern stitch I had worked out; but being dissatisfied with the way I had worked in the decreases at the crown. I haven't come across the finished item. I think that I either gave it away or ripped it out.

Anyway, I thought I would give it another go, using the same pattern in the body but taking a different approach to the crown.

This time I was much happier.

And this time I took more careful notes, and wrote up line by line directions. I've started a second hat, just to test those out.

1 comment:

  1. The decreases make the hat! They go really well with it. I like the cables too.


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