Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh, Just Bind Off and Be Done With It

That's one way to deal with an ageing UFO. Maybe not the best, but ....

Back, oh, three years ago, I started in on a shawl, triangle shaped from the tip up. The center was to be varying combinations of two motifs I got (I think) from Susanna Lewis's book. The kicker is that as I worked up I wasn't going to repeat exactly the same combination of these motifs. I would combine them in different ways. So I was painstakingly charting a few rows, then knitting a few rows, then charting.... Problem is, the charts kept getting wider and wider (and I was taping together more and more pieces of graph paper). And then, about 2/3 through what I had thought would be the finished size, I got kind of stuck on where I wanted the patterning to go. And I was stumped about what to do for along the top side. So I stuffed it in a bag to take some time out while I thought about it.

After a couple of years, I used a couple of the simpler pattern elements for Victorine. But I still didn't have the mojo to deal with continuing that center section.

After about another year (last Monday to be precise) I finally decided "Just bind the damn thing off", and I did. I was tired of having it reproaching me silently from it's corner. I used an I-cord bind off, so at least I learned a new-to-me skill in the process. I have a largish scarf. I'll settle.


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