Wednesday, May 12, 2010

For a Non-Knitter

my girl has very good taste in yarn.

This was my Mother's Day present, and it's lovely. A skein of superwash merino from Honeypot Yarns. This is a local indy dyer I was not even aware of. The colorway is called Shitake. I'm not sure whether to use it for socks, which would be so soft and warm, or mittens. I'm kind of leaning to the latter, because they would show more.

Due to scheduling complications on Sunday, we celebrated Alternate Mother's Day yesterday, and it worked out very well. Wonderful Daughter brought equally Wonderful Mom down here and we had lunch at the new coffee shop, a very cute place, than went out to The Salad Garden, an extremely good local plant nursery. It was a fun, relaxed and relaxing time together.

I came home with plants to go in the big pot by the front door. It's too cold and damp today to enjoy putting them in, but tomorrow looks more promising.

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