Thursday, April 29, 2010

Proud Mamma

Just found out that my daughter will definitely be attending grad school in Steven's Point starting next fall (in Speech Language Pathology). She's worked really hard to get to this point, taking a year's worth of challenging undergraduate prerequisites (her own undergrad degree having been in a completely unrelated area), and I'm just pleased as punch that the hard work has paid off. I knew that the programs were competitive, but until today didn't know just how competitive: 150 applications for about 25 spots.

I'll be a little sorry to have her two hours farther from home, but not nearly as sorry as I am happy and excited for her and proud of her. Way to go kiddo!


  1. way to go! Winning a spot that coveted is a huge accomplishment - she should be very proud of herself.

  2. Woot! Give the girl a big hug from proud Auntie :-)

  3. Way to go, Daughter!

  4. YAAAAAY! Congrats daughter and mum!

  5. That is so awesome for your daughter! After taking a somewhat similar path myself (going back for pre-requisites to enter a grad school program in health science), I know how invigorated she must be feeling right now! So great for her! Congrats!


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