Monday, April 19, 2010

The Key to All Mysteries

Well, maybe not all, but certainly most of the mysteries of Japanese knitting symbols. I picked this up when I was at the Sow's Ear for Gayle's class; and boy am I glad that I did.

Despite the English translation of the title on the cover, the text is entirely in Japanese. But...

It has such amazingly clear and detailed illustrations that anyone with a basic working knowledge of knitting and a little patience should be able to use it; not only to decipher charts, but possibly also to pick up a few new tricks. I, for instance, have spotted a bobble (not the one pictured here) that is worked with a crochet hook and that I want to master and put to use. Why? Because it's all worked on the Right Side. No turning the knitting back and forth. No trying to re-learn knitting backward to avoid the turning. Whoo Hoo! (Of course, I haven't actually tried this yet. We'll see how it goes.)


  1. let us know how it goes - I'd be interested in that! (I hate the constant turning back and forth...)


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