Sunday, March 07, 2010

A Fun Evening

We went to Madison yesterday for dinner with some old friends. Barb and Marty used to live just down the street, and we miss them a lot, so it was a real treat to get together. Added bonus, we got to see their beautiful granddaughter. Extra special treat for me, said granddaughter's Mom is a fairly new, very enthusiastic and adventurous knitter, so we got to happily compare notes and talk shop. It is so gratifying to find a new sister knitter.


Note to Kate (hi Kate!), I was really pleasantly surprised by the blocking results and think it's worth trying. Before I did it, I went to the Ravelry forums, did a search on "killing acrylic" and read through the discussions, which provided helpful information. Key information: there is no turning back. That is, once the fiber is heat set you can't return it to it's original condition. So experiment on a swatch, start with lower heat and less steam and work your way up.

1 comment:

  1. Killing acrylic sounds like a lot of fun - I'm off to find my iron!


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