Monday, February 15, 2010

Jazzed and Perplexed

I just recently found out that I will be going to Meg Swansen's Knitting Camp in July. For this knitter, at any rate, that's pretty much like a trip to knitting Mecca. It's something I've wanted to do for twenty years, but one thing or another always stood in the way. Now it's a go, and I'm jazzed.

But I'm also a bit perplexed. The registration materials say "...please knit (or otherwise create) a name tag to wear each day...." The perplexity is in how to do it. Well, I'll knit it of course, but just how? There is a part of me that yearns to create the most wildly inventive, technically masterful name tag that has been seen in the history of knitting camps. The voice of reason tells me that isn't going to happen. Maybe I should aim for something more basic. It might be good to start by just charting out my name.

OK, even at it's most basic, this is over 50 stitches wide. Obviously, I'm going to need to use yarn finer than worsted weight. So there's one design decision at least partially made. Now how to make those letters? Knits and purls? Probably wouldn't show up that well. Cables and twisted stitches on a purl background would be very impressive. I'm not up to pulling that off. I suppose I could do the letters with beads. I keep meaning to try beads.... Two color knitting might be the way to go. No intarsia. I'm lousy at that and don't like working it. Stranded? There are some long stretches between color changes, but I might weave in the floats. Or I could use this to practice double knitting. Given that I'm still a bit fumble fingered with this technique it might not produce the most polished results, but it could be a fun challenge. What about duplicate stitch? For some reason that always feels like cheating. Felt a knitted background and needle-felt on the name? Lace, is there a way to do it in lace? Aargh!!!
Get a grip, Cindy. It's only a name tag.


  1. My vote is to try the double knitting thing....though I'd recommend using graph paper which has rectangles (3 stitches per inch, 4 rows per inch) or else your name might end up a little short and squatty...

    With double knitting, you can turn the nametag over on day two and it will look like you made another one in the opposite colors... :-)

  2. Double knitting! But if you turn it over it will be a mirror image, won't it?

    Filet crochet would work and would be easy, although not exactly right for *knitting* camp.

  3. Don't stress! I have one that I did with, I think, leftover sock yarn. It looks a lot like the "Cindy" graph and even though it was a fine gauge, it doesn't take long. The double knitting would be fine too, and kind of virtuoso technique-wise.

    Then one year I forgot to bring the name tag. We stopped at Herrschners en route and I strung some alphabet beads on I-cord. That was a quick and dirty solution.

    Some people are more creative, if a bit lazy. Marilyn Van Keppel uses a pic of Marilyn Monroe framed in i-cord. Don't tell her I told you..... (but who is a famous and recognizable Cindy? Lauper? Sherman?)

  4. Get a grip?!?!?! It's just a name tag?!?!?! But it's a name tag to KNIT CAMP. I'm jealous and bow to your greatness allatthesametime!

  5. Ohhhhhh-ahhhhhh-I am jealous! But glad for you all the same.

    Just felt something and embroider like crazy, then embellish. Just because it's knitting camp doesn't mean you can't throw a little frou frou on there!!!

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  7. You could really shake things up and embroider a name tag, or applique, or patchwork......


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