Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year, New Project

First off, Happy New Year to one and all.

I waited until this morning to start my first shawl for the "10 in 2010" project. Technically, the project launched at midnight Oslo time, so I could have started sometime yesterday afternoon, but I didn't realize that until just before I went to bed.

As I think I've mentioned before, this is a pattern from Kinzel's first lace knitting book. It was written for a dresser scarf or tray cloth. I've used larger yarn and needles, reduced the number of repeats across, added 5 sts in seed stitch to each side, and of course, will make it longer. I mean, tray cloth, rectangular shawl, what's the difference besides size?

I used a provisional cast on (that pink bit at the end), because I'm working with stash yarn and am quite sure I don't have enough to give me the length I would like. I have some of the same yarn in black and I will use that to extend each end. Haven't decided what pattern I will use for that. Partly it will depend on just how much extra length I end up needing. I have a good amount of work to do yet on that center section, so I'll have time to think about it.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty, pretty color. Why do I have none of that color yarn? (slaps self, remembering yarn resolution)


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