Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Sad Monday

Early Monday morning, a building downtown burned. Sadly, there were four people inside and none made it out alive. I didn't know any of them personally, but in a town this small you are never far removed. I know a sister, a cousin, and have an acquaintance with parents. My heart aches for them all.

The building is a total loss.

It's a wonder that the fire didn't spread farther, as it started sometime before 3:30 am.; but our part time police officer happened to be on duty and spotted the smoke and called the volunteer fire department. The guys were there in five minutes, with crews from surrounding towns arriving shortly after. God bless every one of them.

As it is, most of the downtown is blocked off.

There's yellow police tape running all the way around two blocks on either side of Main Street/Hwy 78 to re-route traffic, because there's some concern that the burnt building might collapse.

This makes it hard on the businesses in that area, though the ones at the ends are accessible and open, as I discovered today by stepping over the police tape near the bank. It might all be rather adventurous if no one had died. I really wish no one had died.


  1. Oh, C, I'm so sorry. This is so very sad.

  2. That is so awful. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Strength to all of you as your town moves forward from this...

  3. A sobering thought at this time of year. Best wishes to your town from me.

  4. What a horrible thing any time of year, but at what's supposed to be our most joyous time? I'm so terribly sorry and will throw a few prayers heavenward, for the relatives and for your whole town...

    And DON'T jump over the police tape -- it's there for a reason!

  5. Oh dear.

    in small towns, there are no strangers, so everyone bears the loss.


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