Thursday, December 03, 2009

Downtown Stroll

The holiday greens are up, looking almost out of place in Monday's balmy sunshine. It's nice that most of the businesses are participating.

Even the "Old Stone Building" is festooned. This is the oldest commercial building in town, and until recently was a mess. The new owners have gutted it and are slowly, but carefully renovating it.

For the time being, you can see clear through it.

Here's my actual destination, the Pecatonica Grapevine. Kmkat asked about "Pecatonica". That's the name of the river running through town. It's about 30 feet past those cars on the right.

Inside, very cosy indeed. I treated myself to a sandwich, and Christine came by with a sample of banana bread for dessert. This would be a lovely "sit and knit" spot. So Elizabeth (and anyone else), just give a holler if you want to meet up.


  1. A great place, to all appearances. If I ever get down that way we shall have to imbibe there.

  2. Maybe over winter break, when Scott's taking a few days off. Or maybe if we ever get a normal school day.

  3. When I heard about the fire today I went straight to this post. And to see that the fire was right across the street from your first picture... what a sad thing. My prayers go out to everyone in your community.


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