Sunday, October 11, 2009

Out of the Past

A very long time ago (well 17 years, but it feels like a lifetime), I sold some patterns to the Nomis Yarn Company. They published the patterns in a leaflet, and as far as I could tell it never made any sort of splash at all. I never actually spotted it for sale anywhere. And as it had been a "work for hire" situation (where I sold all rights outright) there was never any question of royalties, or sales reports, or any follow up at all. I pretty much assumed the whole thing had dropped into complete oblivion.

Then this morning I received an email from a knitter with a question about the directions for one of the blankets (it's the one on the right in pink). The Internet really is amazing! I dug out my copy and worked up an explanation for her that I hope made sense. Then, just out of curiosity, I went to Ravelry and poked around, and by golly, someone has posted a project knit from another pattern in the booklet. (She actually improved on it by adding a pretty crochet edging).

I don't know why this all feels so intensely exciting, but it does.


  1. Well, how about because it is? Someone found the design well constructed and attractive enough to put into a booklet so it will live "forever" in print - either on paper or digitally somewhere. And someone else, now, has found it attractive enough to make and to research for the creator to ask questions. Knowing that your work may outlive you would be pretty heady, in my opinion.

  2. Is IS exciting! You are now officially immortal.

  3. I just had to tell you that I was in Fort Wayne over the weekend and saw Cynthia (Designated Knitter from Pickin and Throwin blog). We did our usual "show and tell," and one of the first things she pulled out was your newly published sock book. She loves it!!

  4. I agree, it's very exciting! :-)


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