Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Knitting News of the World

The Guardian reports on a project to produce a Giant Knitted Poem. Hat's off to the Poetry Society!

And in New York, a nurse in a unit for women with high risk pregnancies has started a knitting program for her patients. Hat's off to Marguerite Tirelli and the "Mothers of Purl".

I just love Google.


  1. Great stories! Google Images is how I got back into knitting (and became obsessed). I entered knitting terms like fair isle and entrelac and just kept following links.

  2. and I love the Guardian, it's my daily paper:)

  3. ""When it rains, the TV doesn't work anyway," she said. "This keeps your mind occupied."

    Hmmm-they suffer with Direct TV.

    Fun stories!


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