Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Up, up and away!

Officially starting a toe up sock here.

This is actually the second, neater looking toe. On the first one, I was slightly off with the moves for Judy's Magic Cast On, and ended up with a row of twisted stitches that resulted in a row of little teeny holes at the tip of the toe. But I went back to the book, and I've got that sucker licked now.

It really would be easier to knit the first row if the unused stitches were hanging on a skinny flexible cable cord instead of a stiff dpn. But I managed.

My intention at this point is to work the basic Coriolis sock from Cat Bordhi's book. That should keep my brain engaged for a while.


  1. Oi! I guess this means I should give cuff-down another try. lol.

    It's definitely easier to start JMCO with circular needles, but I manage ok with DPNs, it's just more fiddly. I'm finally at a point where I can start the toe of a sock while DD is playing at the park. :-D

  2. Whoa -- Glad I was *sitting down* when I opened up your blog post. Your toe-up sock looks great so far!!!

    Also, I typically use the "Turkish Cast-on," and there is a nice tutorial for it at Fluffy Knitter Deb's site which was very helpful the first few times I made toe-up socks using a circular needle... It's quite similar to Judy's, except it's not a figure 8, so you don't have to remember to knit into the back of half of the stitches on the first row -- you just knit all around.


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