Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Man, I hate to do this

but I've turned on comment moderation because I was hit by a flurry of spam comments this morning (or really, last night). It's hard to think that this blog gets enough traffic to make it worthwhile for someone to write individual comments just to get in a link for a home security system (if that's where the link really went - I did not click on it).

I hope this does not discourage anyone from leaving legitimate comments, I love getting them. And I will try to stay on top of things so the real stuff gets posted as quickly as possible.


  1. I've had to do that for the same reason. I reserve the right to delete any negative or inappropriate comments!

  2. been there. You would think that a blog like mine that gets a few comments daily would not be a target, but who knows. We're still here and reading!

  3. Thatso funny - same thing happened here :-(

  4. What?! You are not interested in my killer home security system? Ingrate!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.