Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not a lot to report

The lace scarf has grown some. It's slow going because I really have to pay attention. But once I learned to just calm down and not expect to finish in a week, I'm finding it enjoyable work.

I've acquired a couple of new books. The one on top is Knit One Bead Too by Judith Durant (Storey Publishing, 2009). The purchase was a complete impulse buy (spotted in a bookstore, flipped through and carried to cash register).

I'm really glad I gave in to the impulse. Aside from lots of very pretty pictures, there is a ton of good information, clearly presented. The more I try to write technical directions myself, the more I appreciate someone who can write both thoroughly and concisely, and Judith Durant does exactly that.

The book opens with an overview of five different techniques for incorporating beads into knitted fabric, a description of tools and materials, and some tips for handling beads. Each of the five chapters after that goes into one technique in detail and has three projects using that technique - ranging from coasters to sweaters. All of the projects are nice; many would be worth knitting even without the beads, and I love that there are also swatches shown in alternate yarns/beads/color schemes. The last chapter gives directions for a little sampler bag that uses all five different techniques.

I doubt that I will soon be stringing hundreds of beads onto a ball of yarn. But I would like to try the simple sounding crochet hook method soon.

The second book is Cat Bordhi's New Pathways for Sock Knitters: Book One. This one had been on my list for awhile, and I never seemed to get around to actually ordering it. But I realized that if I'm going to be taking a class based on it in September, and I don't want to look like a total fool at that time, I might be wise to at least look it over before then. I'm sorry I waited so long. I do love, love, love designers who think outside the box. I got all excited just reading it. Now I have to sit down and practice some of the techniques.

Hey Laura, if you're reading, this may be the impetus to get me working "toe up" at long last.


  1. Laughing out loud re the toe-up thing! You go girl! I don't have any of Cat's books, but from what I've seen/heard of them, you'll probably be knitting your socks not necessarily from the toe up, but sideways ;-)

    I've never been one for the stringing of the beads, either... (Maybe have used that method only once?)

    LOVE the crochet hook method, though easier to drop the little buggers between the couch cushions...

  2. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    New books are such an inspiration, aren't they?

  3. I'm knitting my first lace scarf this week and it is a revelation!

  4. Lemme know what you think about the Bordhi book. The sock architechture intregues me, but I like the repetitive-not-think-a-tive-ness of basic socks the way I know how to do 'em.


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