Friday, July 10, 2009

My New Foot

I've gotta tell ya, when I opened the box my first thought was, "Where's the lampshade?" It was even marked "fra-gee-lay".

My new foot is about two sizes smaller than my two old feet - may have to pad the toe - that or start knitting smaller samples.

Now I have to go start scouting locations.......


  1. Annie PazooJuly 10, 2009

    I've got a lampshade I can send ya.

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    Careful, you'll put your eye out.

  3. You are starting to make me worried...

  4. So, why did you order one smaller than your old feet? Speaking from experience (I know you're too young to know this) your feet get wider and longer as you get older. It's no wonder old ladies wear those horrible shoes - it's hard to find pretty, flirty boats. (grumble, grumble, giggle)

  5. Hey, a leg! You'll have to start posing creatively with your leg, like Cookie A:

    Looking forward to those pics....

  6. I'm sorry I left the comment twice ... the first time, blogger told me there was an error and it hadn't been posted. Huh?

  7. I was going to say that you can be the next Cookie, but Gayle beat me to it!


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