Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It Really Has Been A While

since I've worked with lace weight yarn.

Dang if I don't feel fumble fingered. Doesn't help that the color is dark (though not quite as dark as it looks in the picture). And the yarn is loosely twisted, so I have to take care not to split it. Knitting speed slowed waaaaaay down.

This is my third swatch trying out slight variations on the stitch pattern I was working with in the last post. I think I almost have it the way I like it. Of course, it looks like a mess in its unblocked, crumpled looking state. I tried it first on size 1 needles. This second attempt is on size 2. I'm pretty sure the smaller size gives a better result. I was initially considering a rectangular stole. But by now I'm thinking maybe a scarf is a more realistic goal to aim for.

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