Monday, June 01, 2009

On Friday, I did get back out to the Salad Garden

And picked up the Columbine.

Also a Delphinium and a few Cosmos. So I spent the afternoon clearing out weeds and overgrown perennials to find space to put them in the ground. I think the Columbine has already bloomed for the season, but that's OK. It will be something to look forward to next year. The Delphinium is just starting to form a flower stalk. I'll be able to enjoy it this year, for sure. I did start some Delphinium seeds, but the few that came up are pretty pathetic looking. Now I have back up.

Saturday afternoon was Last Saturday knitting, a smaller group than we sometimes have, but very enjoyable.

Yesterday afternoon we went to Olbrich Gardens (a glorious day for it). As we arrived, folks were just packing up from a big Hosta sale. Most everything was gone, but there were a few stray orphans left. I thought this one looked as if it needed a good home.

Now I need to clear out some violets and maple seedlings on the north side of the house.......

1 comment:

  1. We have jokes about garden plants around here, since DH can't keep coleus and chlamidiya straight.



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