Wednesday, May 13, 2009

KIP pays off

Today was blood drive day. Now the last time around, the Red Cross was short staffed and the waits were very long, first to do the medical history stuff and then to get an open table. I must have spent at least an hour and a quarter just waiting in different lines. So before I left the house today I tossed one of the travelling socks into a Ziploc bag, just in case.

As it turned out, there was no line. I breezed through the preliminaries and never accomplished more than about 10 stitches worth of actual Knitting in Public.

But, when I got to the area where the needles go in, the nurse asked me what I was working on, with that particular gleam in her eye that bespeaks a fellow knitter. So the whole time I was pumping away at the little rubber ball we were discussing different projects, and sharing notes on favorite yarn stores (I think I need to take a day trip to Galena), and she told me all about her friend's daughter's alpaca farm, and I convinced her that she really ought to try socks. All in all, I do believe it was the most fun I have ever had while bleeding.


  1. I'm glad that gleam wasn't "Oh goodie, I will stick you again!"

    You DO need a trip to Galena. And say hi to Hiram U. Grant's house for me!

  2. Maybe I should go on Wednesday (omg that's tomorrow!!!) I haven't given in more than 2 years. But I DO have my three gallon pin :)

  3. AnonymousMay 13, 2009

    What fun to encounter a fellow knitter unexpectedly!

  4. Maybe I should start carrying my socks around in a see-through zip-loc bag, instead of in the opaque fabric pouch...

  5. Knitters crop up in the most unexpected places :)


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