Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cajun Fun and Time in the Sun

Though not necessarily at the same time

Last night we went to hear Dennis Stroughmatt & Creole Stomp at the Monroe Art Center: bouncing around in your seat music, for sure, educational, too. They played a variety of Cajun and Creole music, including some from French speaking communities in southern Illinois (who knew?). Mostly they just rocked.

Today started out cool, but sunny and getting warmer, and I had some coupons burning a hole in my pocket so I headed out to The Salad Garden.

Here's the view from the parking lot

There's a pretty little pond in that grove of trees.

And here's the first view of the business end of things.

They give fair warning (you can click on the picture to make it big enough to read).

Some of the goodies are outside.

Some of them are inside.

Seems hard to believe, but they do pretty much sell out by the time they close for the season (get there before the first weekend in June or you'll miss it).
I love getting locally grown plants. They have been well cared for, not stressed by travel and I feel virtuous about supporting the local economy, which goodness knows, needs the support.
I restrained myself, and came home with only some impatiens and some alyssym, and one dill plant. But there are three weeks in the season to go, and I have a couple more coupons. Hope they don't run out of stuff before I get back. There was a gorgeous big columbine I had my eye on, if I can only figure out a place to put it.


  1. How fun! You'd better make a spot for the columbine quickly!!!

  2. Love the inside of the greenhouse shot. I can just smell it!

  3. That is gardening heaven - it's the garden equivalent of Purl Soho:)


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