Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ready to Roll

Comfy shoes? Check! Clean underwear? Check! Itinerary? Check! Airplane knitting? Check! I think I'm ready to roll.

Come tomorrow morning I'm off to Maryland to see sister Annie Pazoo, and friend Gayle, and sheep and lots of yarn, and maybe bump into some Ravelers at Maryland Sheep and Wool. Excited? Just a little.

I remembered to throw my camera into the tote. Now to remember to take pictures amidst all the fun.

See ya next week!


  1. *green with jealousy* Have a great time!

  2. Also green! Have the best time!

  3. Don't forgot to pack an extra empty bag to haul extra stuff back home.

  4. Squee! Right back at'cha (also my first use of the term). Can't wait, can't wait. Don't say I didn't warn ya: the niece has taped multiple hours of American Idol and Dancing With The Stars. Be prepared for detailed play-by-plays. The nephew will be seeking an audience for his analysis of the latest Mac and iPhone apps and details of all the Apple stores slated for remodelling. Don't say I didn't warn ya - you'll be missing your quiet home. Hehehe.

  5. Have a wonderful time:)

  6. Oooooo! I wanna go too! Have a great time and I'll be looking forward to the details and fiber show and tell at the end of next month!

  7. WOW - Have a great time! Some day, not in the very near future, but some day, I'm going to attend that same festival!


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