Thursday, April 02, 2009

Loose Ends

I'm happy to report that the crocus and iris have made it through the snow and subsequent cold nights just fine. It's been too chilly and damp to spend much time in the yard, but I make a quick tour every day just to say hello to them.

Yesterday I planted some delphinium seeds (in a flat). I've had varying results with starting my own seed in the past, so keep your fingers crossed for me (and them).

I sort of ran out of steam on the "get rid of 50 things" project, but going out to the garage to look for potting soil made me realize that is an area that needs some work.

I haven't abandoned the "Aegean Vest" project. Some folks from the Ravelry Free Pattern Testers group have been working on it, and providing helpful feedback on the first draft. Hope to have the final version ready by next week.

A sign of the times? My spam folder used to be full of offers for cheap meds, natural male enhancement, and conversations with lonely housewives. Now it's overflowing with invitations to sell my gold, avoid foreclosure and earn $1000K. Fortunately, for now at least, I don't need the latter any more than the former. Not that I wouldn't like $1000K, mind you, just not enough to open a spam email.


  1. I miss the people who offered me a green card.

  2. Good luck to the delphiniums. We're in the middle of seed sowing here and there is frost forecast tonight......

  3. Amusing spam change. I hadn't really noticed what type of spam I get.


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