Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Haz Plane Tikets

Yes, I'm a little iffy about flying, but we had credit card "points" that were dropping off the account for lack of use, so I booked a trip.

I'm going to see my great sis Annie and her family (Yay!), and Gayle my pal from way back (Yippee!), and the trip has been strategically planned for the end of this month to take in the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival (Woot!). Might just squeak in a yarn crawl and a stop off to pay my respects to Scott and Zelda, too.

Good times coming.


  1. U haz good time, 'K?

  2. Take Pictures! Take Notes! We want to know all 'bout it, ok? ENJOY :D

  3. Yay! A trip! A trip! A trip!

  4. an we cant waytz to seez ya!

  5. w00t! Enjoy!

  6. MS&W - iz u taking orderz?

    (WV = clatisc. Sounds like a clapotis made out of elastic yarn.)


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