Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Another day at the polls

In about half and hour, I'll be taking off to work at the polls again. This election should see a little more action than the last one. The races for Village Board and School Board positions are all uncontested, but a state supreme court justice and the state superintendent of schools are also on the ballot.

I will take knitting, of course. I've thrown odds and ends of worsted weight into my bag, and will start in on a triangle shawl - nothing fancy (can't do lace and talk at the same time).

I finally finished writing up the pattern for the Aegean vest.

Some lovely folks from the Ravelry Free Pattern Testers group gave it a spin, and gave me some helpful feedback. (Hi Elizabeth, Alice, Erin & Kimberly - you all are the best!)

So the pattern is available through Ravelry right now, and I'll get a page set up for it here soon.


  1. Coincidentally, I am reading The Appeal by John Grisham right now, wherein a humungous chemical corporation (the Bad Guy) is attempting to buy a state Supreme Court seat in the election. Judges should NOT be elected. The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is working on changing that, especially after the shameful amount of dollars that were spent in the last election, but it is a battle.

  2. You can knit a shawl AND talk at the same time???

  3. I read the Appeal. Just take it out at the library.


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